Irk Artikel

An upright lifesaver


On the 100th birthday of the French resistance fighter and concentration camp survivor Marie-Jo Chombart de Lauwe

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April - month of remembering Ravensbrück in Poland


Following the idea of the polish members of the International Comitee of Ravensbrueck, the Senat of Rzeczypospolitej Polski decided on 30. March 2011 to declare the month of **April as the month of remembering of the victims of the German nazi-concentration camp of Ravensbrück.**

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Press release of the"Comité Vrouwenconcentratiekamp Ravensbrück"

Corona & Ravensbrück / Declaration of the Dutch Comité Vrouwenconcentratiekamp Ravensbrück (CVR)

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Table dedicated to women from Ravensbruck, Warsaw


In Warsaw, in the Church of the Visitation sisters, there is a table dedicated to women from Ravensbruck. The plaque was funded by polish survivors

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The Dulag 121 museum in Pruszków


The Dulag 121 museum acts as an important cultural centre for the local community in Pruszków, a place for meetings and the open exchange of ideas. Annual commemorations to mark the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising and the establishment of the transit camp in Pruszków are held in August and October of each year at the Museum. Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00 Thursday: 12:00 - 19:00, Friday: 09:00 - 16:00 Saturday: 12:00 - 17:00, Sunday: 11:00 - 16:00 Adress: ul. 3 Maja 8a, 05-800 Pruszków, tel: (+48) 22 758 86 63, e-mail:

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The Museum of Pawiak Prison


"Pawiak" was the largest prison in Warsaw, where the Gestapo and the security service imprisoned Polish patriots who fought against the German occupation from October 1939 to August 1944. From here transports left to the camp in Ravensbrück. Muzeum Wieziena Pawiak, Ul. Dzielna 24/26, 00-162 Warszawa Tel: (+48) 22 831 – 92 -89, e-mail:

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